Sadness Addiction

We become addicted to our sadness because it makes us feel alive in a world where we feel dead inside.Feeling anything is better than feeling nothing.
We become addicted to our sadness because pain is beautiful.
There is no pain without passion and no heartbreak without love.
Our shared pain connects us and our compassion holds us together.

Helping Others Heals — A Foundation Stone of Recovery

When I began my recovery journey, they told me that I had an eighty percent higher chance for long-term recovery if I did service work and focused daily on what I could do to help others. Since they also told me that only roughly one to two percent of us would ever recover, I decided that I needed all the insurance I could get. So, I did.

Your Love Cannot Save Them — Toxic Relationships

Many of us have had relationships with people who we love in a very powerful way. This love feels so strong that it feels like it could heal the deepest of wounds and save the most lost souls. We feel like we could move mountains with this love. And in some ways, we can. But in other ways, we cannot. It is our inability or unwillingness to accept this that leads us towards toxic relationships and away from self-love.

The Best Way to Quit Bad Habits is to Not Try

Smoking cigarettes started for me when I was 14 and I smoked for 20 years. After 19 years of puffing a pack or more a day, I had never really ‘tried’ to quit smoking. I never tried because I am not the type of person who decides to do something and doesn’t do it. And I didn’t see the use in doing the whole — saying I want to quit and not quitting song and dance. I decided that I wasn’t going to try to quit until I was going to actually quit. As my children grew older and my cough in the morning grew rougher, I started to think more often about the health implications of my stinky and dirty habit. I could see how being a smoker was affecting the lives of my family and destroying my health.

Toxic Relationships — Who Is The Toxic One?

Finding yourself in a toxic relationship does not mean your partner is toxic It is hard enough to know that we are in a toxic relationship, but once we have discovered this unhealthy dynamic, our mind’s next mission is to find out exactly who and what is to blame — for this toxicity we have discovered. Usually, weContinue reading “Toxic Relationships — Who Is The Toxic One?”

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